Best Websites To Sell College Notes for Cash: Are you having trouble in school? Do you have less money to handle your schoolwork, fees, hostel costs, etc.? After graduation, you’ll no doubt work a part-time job to make up the difference in your income. Similar to this, you might have multiple side jobs to supplement your income. I, therefore, developed an idea that you may use to get some more money for this article.
You might not have much time to dedicate to side businesses because you are a student, but the idea I’m about to provide involves no more time or work from you. Nothing more than internet note sales. You can make some extra money by selling the class notes from prior semesters or the ones you no longer require.
There is no extra work involved in selling notes. All the time you need to dedicate to this side business is the time you already spend each day taking notes in college. You can upload your study materials to a number of online apps or websites. You can get various offers from these applications, and you can get paid when students buy your notes.
I’m going to provide a list of reputable websites where you can sell your notes in this article. Continue reading to learn more.
Online Notes Trading for Side Income
For students who create attractive and reliable notes, selling them online is a really smart money-making concept. However, neither immediately nor over the long term can you become wealthy with this strategy.
This is merely a side business to help you meet your financial needs. Now that the duties and expectations are clear let’s look at some of the reliable websites where you may sell your notes and earn money.
Top 10 Best Websites To Sell College Notes for Cash
We have compiled a list of the Top 10 Best Websites To Sell College Notes for Cash. Let’s have a look at the list given below.
1. Course Hero
Students can access several online courses through the educational technology website known as Course Hero. Additionally, it supplies its pupils with study resources and provides 24/7 doubt clarification services. Course Hero is willing to buy your detailed notes from you if you are someone who does this for your college courses. You may charge them for your old class notes. In exchange for your notes, they will give you cash.
2. Nexus Notes
Students can obtain access to top-notch notes on this internet platform. Your notes can be uploaded to the Nexus Notes website. Once your notes have been authorized, their team will review them for accuracy and quality before posting them for sale on their website. You will receive half of the proceeds from each set of sold notes, which are typically sold for up to $35. At the start of each month, Paypal will update your account to reflect this payment.
3. Notesale
On this website, which is situated in the UK, you may buy and sell books. Simply adhere to their three-step procedure to quickly upload your notes. It will then immediately appear on the website and be offered for sale to students if you do this. Notesale makes it simple to upload notes and search for them. Additionally, it simplifies the exchange of funds between students who are buying and selling notes in order to prevent unpleasant circumstances.
4. Notesgen
Although Notesgen is also a website for buying and selling books, it has more things to offer than just notes and textbooks. It links students from various streams worldwide to facilitate the exchange of study materials. Educational materials like case studies, presentations, lab findings, research, study guides, etc., are available for purchase and sale. You can register for an account and begin selling your priceless instructional materials on Notesgen’s iOS and Android apps.
5. Notesmate
However, you may use their app to sell and buy books using Notesmate. This application resembles a social media site. To use their site to sell notes, you must first register. Others can follow you here to observe and independently evaluate the caliber of your notes. The Notesmate app gains greater authority thanks to this functionality. Additionally, there is a strong likelihood that your notes will sell.
6. NoteXchange
An online marketplace for notes, flashcards, and study aids is located in Australia. This website can be used by college and high school students for their academic needs. On their website, you may build up your own store and establish prices to sell your products. You will receive 100% of your sales if you manage your selling firm independently. However, you will only get paid 50% of the sales commission if NoteXchange provides you with strategies to have your content seen and purchased.
7. Omega Notes
Omega Notes is a website that sells notes online, just like every other website. On this website, you can find a wide variety of study resources. You must pay fees if you want to sell anything on our site, including large uploads, items priced over $35, and listings that last longer than 24 months. The pricing advice Omega Notes provides to assist you is its best feature. For each sale, you will receive a 70% commission.
8. OneClass
Students can share notes and other study materials on this Canadian website. This app functions a little bit differently than the others. For uploading notes to OneClass, you will receive credits rather than money. These credits are redeemable for cash or gift cards at online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, etc. At OneClass, there is an additional option that can help you make three times as much money as you would usually.
9. Oxbridge Notes
One of the top online note-selling sites, Oxbridge Notes serves students in the US, Canada, and the UK. Along with selling notes, you can also market PDFs, sample papers, etc. The process is comparable to most online note-selling websites. With this platform, you may get a 72% commission on net sales and get paid by PayPal.
10. Quest Notes
This is a straightforward website where you can sell and buy study materials, class notes, lecture notes, and more. With Quest Notes, selling is a breeze. Simply upload the notes, and their team will take care of the rest. The sales commission earned here is 70%. The most you can make from uploads is $0.20 per upload, though. Instead, you will receive free credits that you can spend to purchase notes from their website that you find useful.
Online note sales are a quick and easy way for students to supplement their income. Don’t let old textbooks from classes wind up on your shelves or storage areas. Use one of these websites instead to sell them and get money.
If you are adept at taking notes, don’t waste this opportunity because quality notes are in demand these days. Feel free to share your experience with us if you’ve ever utilized one of these websites to sell notes online.