If you last changed your Outlook password a while ago, hackers may be able to access your account. Changing your Password often is a great way to improve your online safety, and Outlook makes it easy to do this critical (but dull) administrative job.
This guide will show you how to change your Outlook password for those who use a desktop or web-based client. When you change your Password, remember to take the standard safety measures. For example, use a word that is hard to guess and has a mix of letters and numbers.
Without further ado, here’s how the process works.
Change your Password for Outlook.com
Your email provider’s Password stays the same even if you change your Password in the Outlook desktop app. If you use Apple, Yahoo, or Gmail for your Outlook email, follow our guides on how to change your Password with those services. Then, skip to the next part to learn how to change your Password in the Outlook app itself. In order to change your credentials for other email services, you will need to go to their websites.
Follow these steps if you have an Outlook email address.
Step 1: Go to the Microsoft security page and log in. Please go to Microsoft’s security page and log in.
Step 2: From the dashboard, choose Password Security and then follow the security steps shown on the screen.
Step 3: Pick a new password.
Step 4: On the next page, you’ll be asked to enter your new Password and recheck your old one.
Step 5: Pick a long, safe password that has a mix of numbers, special characters, lowercase and uppercase letters, and type it twice as asked. After that, click the blue Save button.
That’s all there is to it! Your Outlook.com password has been changed. Read the next part to find out how to change your Password in Outlook.
Change the Password for your Outlook app.
Check that your Outlook email app knows the new Password if you changed it with your email provider. Here are the steps you need to take.
Note: You will need your app password if you are not using Outlook for your email account. On the pages for Yahoo, Gmail, and Apple, you can get help finding or making those.
Step 1: Go to your Outlook account settings.
Step 2: Open up the Outlook programme.
Step 3: After it loads, go to the top menu and choose “File.”
Step 4: Click on your account.
Step 5: In the drop-down menu, click Account Settings again.
Step 6: Make a new password.
Step 7: If you have a contract to Office 365 that gives you updates every six months or a separate version of Outlook, choose the email address you want to change, click Change, and then type your new Password where it says to do so.
Step 8: Click “Finish.”
Note: Microsoft says that if you pay every month for Office 365 updates, you should go to File > Account Settings > Update Password instead. After making the Change, click OK.
Step 9: Check to see if it works. The last and most important thing you need to do is try out your new Password to make sure you changed it correctly.
Step 10: Close all of your open apps, then open Outlook. Type in your new Password when it starts up.
Step 11: Check to see if all of your emails showed up by clicking the Send/Receive button. If you were able to change your Password, they should all be there.
If you can’t access your email account, check your Password to make sure you’re entering it properly. A lot of the time, we type in the wrong Password even though we think we know it by heart.
If you use Gmail, Yahoo, or Apple, you might have to sign in using an app password service instead of a normal login page. To find out more about Yahoo, Gmail, and Apple, click on these sites.