Everybody enjoys a good magic trick. That is why the online tarot reader Peter Answers is so entertaining. No matter what you ask Peter, he always has the appropriate response.
Of course, it’s just a fantasy. You’ve arrived at the right site if you want to learn how Peter Answers operates and how to use it to fool your friends and family.
What Does Peter Respond to?
The website Peter Answers, sometimes known as Ask Peter, is straightforward. It describes itself as a digital tarot. Peter Answers is not a typical tarot reader, who often uses the cards to predict the future. According to legend, Peter will answer any question you have.
Most likely, someone showed you the website before you found it. Your friend puts in a question you ask, and suddenly the appropriate answer appears on the screen.
Click the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner, choose Language, and then make your selection to change Peter Answers’ language.
Two fields are on the website. A petition and a query are included in the first. According to the guidelines on the website, the petition needs to say:
Peter, will you kindly respond to the following?
Please enter your question in the second field. You may inquire about something you already know the answer to, such as your favorite cuisine or animal, or you could ponder a hypothetical question, such as whether you’ll be lucky in the upcoming year.
A response will appear after you input a question mark or click Send, according to Peter.
With your partner in charge, there’s a good chance Peter will react appropriately. However, if you attempt it yourself, you’ll just receive evasive responses like “the stars are not in line for this request” or “you must have a greater desire to understand the answer to this query.”
Why is Peter not cooperating? How can Peter be made to behave and provide a suitable response? The Peter Answers ruse operates as follows.
The Peter Answers Trick: What Is It?
Sadly, Peter Answers is unable to predict the future or read minds. How do Peter Answers operate then? You’ll need to enter the response you want from Peter.
Put a semicolon in the petition area to accomplish this. Then, input the response you desire. The field will say “Peter please answer the following question” no matter what you input.
Enter another period when you’ve completed typing the response. To display the entire petition text, use as many periods as necessary.
Say, for illustration, that I wish to know, “Will I ever find love?”
I could enter “No, you will never find love, except in your dreams.” in the petition form to have that shown as my response. To understand the trick, pay attention to the two periods on either side of the statement; nevertheless, they won’t appear in the final response.
Enter your question in the question field. The response you initially typed will then be shown after you have submitted it. Click the + sign to add another question.
This tactic obviously cannot be used on yourself! Use it to deceive others instead. It works particularly effectively if you type quickly and the other person isn’t keeping an eye on your keyboard. Your acquaintance is likely to be duped by Peter Answers if they prefer astrology and horoscope apps. Of course, your partner might catch on eventually, so it’s a good idea to have a lineup of targets.
Use the Android app Peter Answers.
Since the Peter Answers website is mobile-friendly, you can access it just fine using the web browser on your phone.
A dedicated person can download an Android app. It operates in exactly the same manner, is free, and is financed by advertisements at the bottom. To hide your response, simply insert a period into the petition.
To access a menu, swipe from the left. From there, you may choose from three simple options: how to play, share, and rate this app. The How to Play page doesn’t actually reveal any of Peter Answers’ secrets. So keep this information handy if you do forget what you need to do.
There isn’t an official iOS app available right now. There used to be a fake Peter Answers iOS app, but it’s no longer accessible. Despite this, it might come up once more in the future.
Create Your Own Peter Responses
Check out this GitHub project if you want to see what goes on behind the scenes or maybe try to create your own version of Peter Answers (Github is a way to share and collaborate on code).
Peter Answers was created using JavaScript for the magic and CSS for styling. If you have programming knowledge, you can use this GitHub project to modify the code to your heart’s content because it is a reasonably basic piece of code.
You might wish to modify the wording of the petition. Or provide Peter with some fresh responses? You may accomplish just that using this source code.
Alternative Services to Peter Answers 
Additionally, you might run onto Ask Jud, which is essentially Peter Answers with a new name. If your friend is exceptionally gullible, you could use this to deceive them twice in the same manner.
Visit Akinator for something a little unique. This genie can guess either a real person or a fictional character that you are thinking of. It accomplishes this by asking a series of questions and figuring out the person’s identity based on the prior responses.
Use Peter Answers to Joke with Your Family and Friends
You now understand how Peter Answers operates and the secret of his magic. Ask Peter anything you like! Use it to deceive people into believing that this computerized tarot can read minds. Then perhaps point them in the direction of this article to provide the information.
There are a ton of practical jokes on the internet that you can pull on your loved ones. Keep them lighthearted, though, as the finest practical jokes are ones that everyone can laugh at afterward.
- Peter will accept and display responses that are longer than the petition phrase, but if you continue to type after the screen has shown the complete petition phrase, something is obviously wrong. When you get to the end of the phrase, nothing further will appear.
- You can also instruct your audience to fix their gaze on the screen so they can correct any possible spelling mistakes you could make.
- If you enter a typo, Peter will respond with a typo, and others will rapidly become suspicious because Peter is only as accurate as you are. You always have the option to go back and start over if you feel like you made a mistake. If you accidentally delete what you typed, hit Clear to start over. Don’t forget to type a period to let Peter know you’re inputting the answer this time. (Note that it is not a good idea to delete anything you entered because it will make others question why you are erasing a perfectly valid petition.)