Telegram New Feature recently released a new version in which the company selected the loopholes that users requested. Telegram’s most recent upgrade includes Video mission points, something it previously lacked. Users may now easily video chat with a group of people using their smartphones, tablets, and other collaborative devices.
While phoning, a user can easily pin a form to the center of the screen and make it full screen using the modern update. The upgrade is available for iOS and Android devices, as well as desktop computers, and allows users to add up to 30 characters to a video conference.
Telegram New Feature Introduce Like Video Chat and More In 2021
Here are the details on Telegram’s New Feature, which you may learn about in this article:
Telegram has added new animated backgrounds and message animations for a more stunning aesthetic, in addition to the video calling feature. In addition, whether you collect or send a message, the new update features a moving interface that passes by. In addition, Telegram needs that the user experience reduced battery consumption than competing apps.
The firm also stated that the user will be able to update and adapt the UI according to their preferences. The user also receives a fantastic story, such as noise delay in voice chats. This function will assist in providing better and clear sound regardless of the user’s location. The user has complete control over whether or not to use this function, as it can be turned on or off from the backdrops tab.
Workers have moved to Telegram and other WhatsApp choices that offer chat security after Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s post. Telegram is one of the most popular apps after WhatsApp, as evidenced by the number of users.
Telegram was founded in 2013 by two Russian coworkers, Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Both of their cousins owned Russia’s largest social media company, VK. Since its launch in 2013, the company has implemented a number of features to combat its adversary. The one function that had been missing for a long time was the ability to make video calls, which has now been included in this version.
There are several new stories in the desktop application as well, including:
- The new version gives users the option to screen share only certain apps, such as a video player or a web browser.
- Voice chat will now launch in its own window in the new update.
- Users will not be confused about the speaker because the person receiving the screen will be closed on the screen.
The new version is available for Android and iOS, as well as Windows and macOS.
This article has discussed Telegram’s New Feature that will arrive in the near future. You can read all the details in the article and send us your precious suggestions. Goodbye!