In this fast-paced world, people spend most of their time working and feel too exhausted to do anything else upon returning home. A body massage can rejuvenate you and re energize you to conduct any activity. Body massage therapy is a highly beneficial technique that relieves various health complications and muscle pains and provides relaxation and easing body strain. In the past, people used to book massage appointments at spas during weekends or when off work. While the typical manual massage therapy is irreplaceable by any machine out there, there’re times when one may not have the luxury nor the time to go for a massage session.
Luckily, you don’t have to visit a massage therapist every time you need to work out those tense muscles and stimulate your blood flow. There’re other times when you may need an emergency massage and lack an available professional massage therapist. It’s in such moments that a handheld massager becomes handy. Here are a few of the numerous benefits that come with owning a personal handheld back massager:
Relief from Common Muscle Aches and Strains
Vibrations from handheld massagers are known to have significant therapeutic effects on various parts of the body. The vibrations penetrate deeply into ligaments, muscle tissues, and tendons, stimulating blood flow for peak body functioning. The rejuvenation promotes oxygen and nutrients flow to the muscles and joints, reducing discomfort, fatigue, stiffness, numbness, and relieving pain in the affected areas. These sentiments are supported by a National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health study that maintains that massage indeed helps with the various types of pain.
Promoting Relaxation and Boosting Your Mood
Besides relaxing your body and making you feel good, using a handheld massager can reduce depression and anxiety. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, School of Medicine, maintains that massage can lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels by up to 50% and increase the feel-good hormones (viz. serotonin and dopamine).
Treats Common Sleeping Disorders
Most headaches and migraines in the world today are often caused by poor sleep habits. A handheld massager can help you relieve muscle strains and tension and help you stop migraines and sleep better.
Relieves Tension and Stress Relief
With everything that’s going on in your life, you may not even notice that you are stressed. Stress robs you of your energy and concentration, leading to muscle strains, brain fatigue, and tension. Nonetheless, with a handheld back massager, you can easily enjoy a stress-relieving massage comfortably in your home and at any time.
Portable and Convenient
It’s one of the best benefits of owning a handheld massager. You can conveniently use it anywhere and at any time. It’s possible to conveniently carry it in your handbag and use it on a get-way trip, after your gym session, etc.
Improved Mobility and Flexibility during Physical Activity
While it’s normal to get sore and stiff after some intense physical activity or exercise, it’s usually not pleasant. Keep your muscles and joints relaxed and improve their flexibility and mobility with a deep massage using a handheld back massager.
Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation
Limited blood flow can result in poor digestion, fatigue, stiffness, etc. Massaging your body using a handheld massager increases blood flow, which eventually leads to healthier heart arteries, lower blood pressure, and improved oxygen flow to the various body organs.
Facilitates Faster Post-Surgery Healing Process
How fast you heal post-surgery is dependent on several factors; massage therapy is one of them. A handheld massager can be very convenient since it improves blood circulation, joint mobility, and flexibility.
Improves Skin Health
A massage therapy using a handheld massager results in better circulation, which improves skin tone and makes you glow through increased collagen production. Your skin appears youthful and elastic, with fewer wrinkles and acne.
Aids in the Detoxification Process
Once there’s improved blood circulation in the body, your body eliminates toxins at a much faster rate. Additionally, your better becomes well-equipped for better recovery from joint and soft tissue injuries.
The Best Handheld Massager Can Significantly Boost Your Health
Having the right handheld massager can significantly boost your health. Finding the best handheld massagers for your personal massage use will allow you to enjoy the various benefits of regular massage therapy as soon as possible. Now, if you’re looking for the best massager for seniors, Gold Years has an in depth article on how to choose one, check them out.”