I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Math and Science Olympiads. Every year in the United States, the AOIME (American Online Invitational Mathematical Exam) is one such type of mathematical test. The exam is for the country’s most deserving pupils, who will have the opportunity to compete in the United States Online (Junior) Mathematical Olympiad after qualifying.
Are you getting ready for AIOME? Then you’ve arrived at the ideal location. Take a look at the sections below for further information on this exam.
What is the AOIME acronym?
The American Online Invitational Mathematical Exam is abbreviated as AOIME. In the United States of America, it is a nationwide annual competition. The exam is held every year in the month of June. The test is designed to find the best mathematicians in the United States of America. Two organizations called Art Of Problem Solving (AOPS) and American Mathematics Competitions collaborated in the year 2020. As a result, the AOIME collaborative exam was born.
What Does AOIME Stand For?
The AOIME test is a three-hour exam with a clean format in which the candidate must solve 15 very demanding mathematical problems. Each response is a single integer between 0 and 999 that receives a 1 mark. You will receive 0 points if you are unable to solve any of the problems or if you provide an incorrect response.
Erasers, black scratch pads, blank graph paper, compasses, and rulers are all permitted. You won’t be able to use any electrical equipment, including calculators.
You will have three hours to finish all of the questions. If the timer runs out or you finish the exam, AOPS will save all of your answers. After you’ve analyzed them, you’ll be given permission to advance to the next level of the competition.
What Is The Best Way To Write The Answers?

Knowing how to compose the answers in AOIME the right way is crucial to your success. If your answers are correct but typed incorrectly, you will receive no credit. In other words, the solutions are numbers ranging from 0 to 999. In each blank, you must input a single number with up to three digits.
For instance, if the correct answer to any question is 3, you must write as follows: 3, 03, 003 are the three numbers that make up the number three.
What are some of the competition’s rules that students should be aware of?
I’m sure you’re aware that the AOIME exam is regarded as one of the most prestigious in the world. Those that pass it are regarded to have some of the world’s most bright and humorous minds. Needless to say, the AOIME laws and regulations are extremely severe. The organizers and authorities make certain that no unethical methods are used in the exam. The following are some AOIME rules that you must follow:
The exam lasts 3 hours in total.
Each question will be worth one mark. If the answer is incorrect, though, you will receive a zero. There are no negative points.
There will be 15 questions centered on numerical and analytical abilities.
In the examination hall, you are not permitted to bring any electronic devices such as digital watches, cell phones, tablets, or other similar devices.
You must administer the exam in a computerized setting.
Taking a pen, pencils, rulers, erasers, and papers for rough work is not restricted.
In the examination hall, you are not permitted to chat or discuss the answers with anyone.
When Is The AOIME Competition Held Each Year?
The AOIME competition is held every year, and hundreds of students take the exam. In the year 2020, the competition was scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. The information for the 2021 exam, on the other hand, has yet to be released. As a result, the AOIME exam is only held once a year.
The Rules And Regulations Of The Exam
- In the examination hall, calculators and other electronic devices are not authorized.
- You are permitted to bring an eraser, blank graph paper, ruler campuses, scratch paper, pencils, and pens.
- In the examination room, you are not permitted to speak, converse, or discuss anything.
- The answers are typed into OMR sheets in the same way as math questions on the SAT are created and solved.
- Leading zeros must be gridded and included in the responses. If the answer is 8, for example, it should be written as 008 and 034.
- The AIME test is conducted over the course of two days. One day is classified as maiming, while the other is designated as an alternate, and pupils are only allowed to take one test per year.
- It should be resolved in three years.
Benefits and Advantages of Participation:
- Students who do well on tests are awarded a book discount or a plaque.
- Bronze, silver, or gold medals are awarded to the institute’s best achievers.
- Students who qualify for AMC can compete in AOIME and USAMO as well. MOP Winner pins are also given out, however, these go to the student with the highest grade in their institute.
- High-achieving pupils also earn a certificate.
Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the number of students who are eligible for the AOIME?
AOIME is taken by a huge number of students, but only a small percentage of them pass. Because the questions are of such a high caliber, only those kids who pass it are truly gifted in mathematics.
What is the total number of questions on the AOIME?
The AOIME has a total of 15 questions that you must finish in 3 hours. Each response is a number ranging from 0 to 999. To answer all 15 questions, you must have solid knowledge and problem-solving abilities.
Is the AOIME Certification Valid?
Not only in the United States but also internationally, AOIME certification is highly valued. As a result, passing this exam confers significant status in terms of admission to prestigious colleges and employment interviews.
How many people participate in the Amc each year?
Every year, a large number of students take the AOIME exam. In the year 2020, around 365000 individuals from all over the United States took the exam. Without a doubt, there is a lot of rivalry in AIME online.
That’s all there is to know about AOIME. I hope we were able to provide you with useful information on this subject. Are you planning to attend AOIME the following year? I wish you the best of luck on your exam. Prepare thoroughly and diligently, and I am confident you will pass with flying colors.
Do you have any queries about AIME’s online services? Send them to us in the comments section below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.